smart how? smart now.
tmr is a leadingsustainable technology innovation company, specializing in green tech and areas such as automation, automotive, and telematics. Our goal is to develop innovative solutions that combine operational efficiency with reduced environmental impact. We mainly focus on sustainable mobility and different forms of green energy. We aim to bring ambitious smart mobility and green energy projects into people’s daily lives, offering concrete, cutting-edge solutions that directly address real needs. We emphasize the“for people” approach, putting technology at the service of humanity.


smart city
We build the cities of the future, capable of anticipating and adapting to changing trends, ensuring resilience and sustainability.

sustainable engineering
We drive efficiency and sustainability to new heights in fleet and energy management, turning challenges into opportunities.

data analytics
We turn data chaos into valuable insights that drive strategic decisions and turn the unknown into extraordinary opportunities.

embedded systems
Our embedded systems, skillful fusions of hardware and software, transform the inanimate into a powerful center of intelligence.

We build a masterpiece of connection, turning each object into a brush that colors the city, creating a living painting.

We responsibly shape AI, the magical element that transforms ordinary products into extraordinary experiences.
"We challenge today's technological conventions to understand other universes, people. By powering ambitious projects for smart mobility and green energy, we create new habitats for humans."

Even if you have yet to imagine it tmr already has an environmentally sustainable technology solution for you that helps you build to meet your needs.