The so-called Supports Decree Bis aims to optimize urban travel for workers and students through a major funding measure.

The Decree Law May 25, 2021, no. 73 containing Urgent measures related to the emergency from COVID-19, for business, labor, youth, health and territorial services provides funding for all sustainable mobility initiatives that contribute to optimizing the “distribution of users who travel for study or work using public transportation.”

Not only bike sharing, then, but smart mobility systems implemented with youMove are also eligible for funding under this decree.

The beneficiaries are, in detail:

(a) private enterprises and public administrations with local units with more than 100 employees located in capitals, metropolitan cities, or municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants that provide, through corporate mobility managers, a home-to-work travel plan for their staff;

(b) educational institutions that provide, through school mobility managers, a home-school-home travel plan for school staff and pupils.

Article 51 of the DL in Paragraph 7 specifies that, “in order to enable a more effective distribution of public transport users,” a fund is established at the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility with an allocation of 50 million euros for 2021.

To qualify for the grant, the entity, business or educational institution must have prepared the travel plan through its mobility manager by August 31, 2021.
For the terms of the grant, Paragraph 8 refers to a subsequent MIMS decree, which will be published within 60 days.