Next September will be the month when the brand new electric bills will arrive in our homes.
There are two versions planned: that concise which will show the unit cost of the kilowatt hour and detail "system charges'' (an item that today is paid within grid services but not shown on bills) and that detailed which will give more information on consumption and can be requested for a fee.
The consultation launched by theEnergy Authority , however, still does not shed light on the meters installed in Italians' homes and does not care about the veracity of the data reported on bills.
It would be appropriate, in fact, to verify the conformity of electric meters that measure energy consumption as required by Directive 2004/22/EC dated 03/31/2004 on Measuring Instruments-known as the MID "Measuring Instruments Directive "-which was implemented in Italy by Legislative Decree no. 22 of February 2, 2007 and requires approval and certification of electric meters. Every meter that delivers electricity to consumers must have a marking that certifies not so much that it is working properly, but that that meter is identical to the model deposited with the chosen European notification body. In Enel's case, but only since 2007, for electricity meters there are two, the Dutch Nmi and the Italian Iqf, both registered with Nando, the official journal of notifying bodies. According to data from the Treasury company, there are 32 million uncertified meters installed on its networks prior to the transposition of the directive and 4 million on other distributors' networks.
These data force us to give due consideration: is the consumption reported in our electricity bills reliable?